This is an x-ray of one of our missionary's broken bone. See on the right side of the picture how they are overlapping side by side instead of being put back together as they should have. He was in a car accident last December and a natureopath fixed it for him. Look what a horrible job they did. When I showed it to Dr. Anderson, he gasped in disbelief. This poor elder can't walk very well, is in a lot of pain, and this leg is much shorter than the other. He's going to have to go home to Nigeria and have surgery to fix it. The medical help can be very poor in Africa. We've had a lot of medical issues this past week. I went with two missionaries into Accra one day for Dr. Anderson to check them out and then to a lab for more tests. A nice driver was driving us in the MTC van, but I had to deal with the lab employees and help the elder get the correct tests he needed. (Loel) It's pictures like this and the treatment our missionaries in Sierra Leone received that make us want to never have a serious medical problem here. Our two most seriously injured missionaries have been returned to the U.S. and they are being treated in Utah. The one with the broken leg (actually broken in two places - below the knee and above the ankle) has received surgery and he's doing well. the other missionary with the head injury is in an induced coma to control his movements. He's a big, strong kid and he has been a little uncontrollable. But the prognosis appears to be good for him also. We certainly hope so.
That xray was horrible!!!! That's what happened to Conner's arm when he broke it snowboarding. i loved the pics of the sisters jumping rope.